Alessandro's Crostata di Marmellata - Tasty Jam Tart

One of the best things about living in this lesser-known area of the Campania region is that there are so many hidden treasures. One of them is the variety of fresh fruits and veggies, delicious local wines like Falanghina and Aglianico, locally produced cheeses, wild asparagus, olive oil, and abundant family gardens everywhere.

Then there are the talented and kind people like Alessandro who shared this delicious recipe for his Jam Tart or Crostata di Marmellata. You have to check out his Instagram @fattoda_ale which is filled with his amazing creations and stylish images like this one for chocolate cupcakes with Strega (a local liquor)! Alessandro is a self-taught cook and photographer who was inspired by his mamma who he says is “un’ottima cuoca” - an excellent cook. Grazie, Alessandro!

Jam Tart or crostata di marmellata by Susan Dufresne-Get-Lost-in-Italy
Jam Tart or crostata di marmellata by Susan Dufresne-Get-Lost-in-Italy

This crostata is something you will find in most bars or cafes in this area and it goes perfectly with a frothy cappuccino. But remember - no cappuccinos after 11:00 a.m. here in Italy! More about coffee culture in Italy soon….


For the shortcrust pastry

  • 500 grams of “Double 00” Flour

  • 250 grams of superfine sugar

  • 200 grams of room temperature butter

  • 2 egg yolks + 1 whole egg

  • Grated lemon peel

  • Pinch of salt

For the filling:

  • Use the jam of your choice


Per la pasta frolla

  • 500 grammi di farina 00

  • 250 grammi di zucchero semolato

  • 200 grammi di burro a temperatura ambiente

  • 3 uova, di cui 2 tuorli ed uno intero

  • Buccia di un limone BIO grattugiata

  • Pizzico di sale

Per il ripieno:

  • Marmellata a piacere

Jam Tart or crostata di marmellata by Susan Dufresne-Get-Lost-in-Italy


  • Start making your pastry dough by blending together the following ingredients

  • Add the butter to the flour and mix with your fingertips

  • Add the sugar, a pinch of salt, the eggs, and the grated lemon peel

  • Knead until it forms a non-sticky dough

  • Quickly make a dough ball so gluten will not develop

  • Wrap dough in cling-wrap and leave it to rest in the refrigerator for at least half an hour

  • Once chilled, proceed with the preparation of the tart

  • Butter and flour the pie mold of your choice

  • Roll out dough to make one thin sheet of pastry dough to cover the bottom of the cake pan, cutting flush with the edge (save the extra dough for the topping strips)

  • Add your favorite homemade jam, leveling everything (as the photo at the top shows, it is better to use a shallow mold)

  • Create pastry strips and lay them on top of the pie to create the design you like

  • Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour

Il Procedimento:

  • Si procede facendo la classica fontana sulla spianatoia. Si aggiunge il burro e lo si comincia ad amalgamare alla farina con la punta delle dita

  • Si aggiunge lo zucchero il pizzico di sale le uova, e la buccia di limone grattugiata

  • Impastare fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo e non appiccicoso. Non appena il composto si sarà amalgamato. Compattate velocemente con le mani, così non si svilupperà il glutine

  • Avvolgetelo nella pellicola trasparente lasciandolo riposare in frigo per almeno mezzora

  • Una volta riposato, procedere nella preparazione della crostata

  • Imburrate e infarinare lo stampo di 25 cm circa

  • Tirare una sfoglia sottile, ricoprire il fondo della tortiera, tagliando a filo del bordo

  • Procedere con la marmellata a piacere livellando tutto

  • Creare delle strisce e adagiarele sopra creando una motivo a piacere

  • Informare in forno preriscaldato statico a 180 gradi per circa mezz'ora